The NBA’s Larry Bird reveals how long it took him to know he would be a dominant player: “Three days”
Bird talked the talk and walked the walk.
Throughout the NBA’s history, there have been many outstanding players, but few had the talent, self-assurance, and charisma that Larry Bird possessed. The epitome of Larry Legend’s swagger is how he saw his move to the NBA.
After emerging from his French Lick high school as a national phenomenon, Bird’s three incredible years at Indiana State University solidified his legend status in the state. But many people didn’t think he could make the same kind of transition to the NBA despite his incredible collegiate exploits.
The biggest concern for many who doubted Bird’s ability to compete in the NBA was his ability to match its athletic playstyle; they couldn’t picture this white kid from Indiana having the toughness necessary to dominate the big males. However, Larry, being the self-assured person that he is, had no fear. Bird realized this would be easy after just three days of his rookie training camp with the Celtics:
Larry would live up to his expectations, scoring 21.3 points, 10.4 rebounds, and 4.5 assists per game while guiding his Celtics to a 61-21 record and a losing Conference Finals meeting with the Sixers. But Bird would go on from his incredible rookie campaign to have an incredible career, winning three championships, two MVP titles in the Finals, three MVP distinctions, being selected to the All-Star team fifteen times, and many more accolades while wearing a Boston uniform.
But it’s not the stats and accolades that define Larry’s reputation most; rather, it’s the pure talent and style that Bird brought to the game with his confident and trash-talking abilities. And this narrative is the ideal illustration of the mindset that made Larry so lovable.
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